Sphinx installation

For MacOS

To install Sphinx on MacOS, do the following:

  1. Download Virtual Box and install it.

  2. Download Ubuntu Linux Server 20.04 iso.

  3. Enter the name for your machine and check if the operating system type is correct. All other parameters must be default.

  1. Click Start and select the operating system image.

  2. Install the operating system. Set login and password, check the OpenSSH checkbox, other options must be default.

  3. For more convenience, click the button shown at the picture below and select scale to 200% (autoscale output).

  1. After the installation is finished and the machine is rebooted, enter your login and password.

  2. Install pip and Sphinx by performing the following in the terminal:

sudo -s                          // after this command, enter the password
apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install Sphinx==4.4.0
  1. Navigate to Devices and select Insert Guest Additions CD image.

  2. Perform the following commands in the terminal (do not forget to replace dsavina with your own login):

sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
cd /cdrom
sudo ./vBoxLinuxAdditions.run
sudo reboot
sudo usermod -aG vboxsf dsavina
  1. Log in again with the Ctrl + D combination.

  2. Set up the folder by replacing dsavina as described in the previous step:

cd /mnt
sudo mkdir Docs
sudo chown dsavina:dsavina Docs
sudo reboot
  1. Navigate to Devices > Shared Folder > Shared Folders Settings.

  1. In Shared Folders click Add (a folder icon with a green cross to the right).

  1. Set the parameters as shown at the screenshot below


For Windows

This instruction describes how to install Sphinx from the Python Package Index (PyPI) on a Windows PC using pip. The pip tool is provided with the latest Python versions.

To install Sphinx on Windows, do the following:

  1. Install Python.


To check if Python is already installed on your Windows PC, open the Command Prompt by pressing Win + R and entering cmd. In the Command Prompt, run python --version. If Python is already installed on your computer, the Python version will be displayed.

To install Python, do the following:

  • Download the Python installer (.exe) from the official Python website. Select the latest version of Python for Windows.

  • Once downloaded, launch the installer and then click Install Now to install Python with the default settings. It is also recommended that you select the Install launcher for all users checkbox.

    Python installer
  • To verify that Python has been successfully installed, run python --version:

    C:\Users\User>python --version
    Python 3.9.9
  • To verify that pip has been successfully installed, run pip --version:

    C:\Users\User>pip --version
    pip 21.3.1 from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.9)
  1. To install Sphinx, run pip install -U sphinx:

C:\Users\User>pip install -U sphinx
  1. To make sure that Sphinx has been successfully installed, run sphinx-build --version:

C:\Users\User>sphinx-build --version
sphinx-build 4.4.0

The Sphinx version is displayed if the installation has been successful.

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