Global style guide

The following is a humble attempt to draw your attention to some common mistakes and misconceptions about the use of English in technical writing. Some of the points made in these guidelines may not apply to marketing texts published on the website: in general, they allow for a more relaxed approach to writing, while we tend to be inclined towards plain English.

Examples included in this tutorial are semi-fictionalized. It should be stressed that they are not intended to make fun of authors or pass judgment on someone’s writing skills, including the authors of this guide. Whatever assumptions we make about our grasp of English, there is always room for improvement. Remember: grammar is a form of magic — and there are some pretty good reasons for this!

Try being precise

As simple as it sounds, the goal of a Technical Writer is to present a story, the essentials of which are encoded into the five w’s: who, what, when, where and why.

In this, a Technical Writer isn’t much different from any writer, except may be for special attitude towards ambiguity. While trying to convey the full scope of the topic at hand, we always strive to:

  • use English properly

  • avoid ambiguity at all costs

  • be as short as possible

  • write in style

All of the following springs from these basic principles. If not, we are here to discuss!

1. Avoid placeholder phrases like note that or please note (consider using admonitions).

2. Don’t use please in the normal course of explaining how to use a product, even if you’re explaining a difficult task. Use please only when you’re asking for permission or forgiveness — for example, when what you’re asking for benefits us, inconveniences a reader or suggests a potential issue with a product.


  • If the issue persists, please contact your account representative.

If at all possible, don’t use in order to; instead, use to. Very occasionally, in order to does clarify meaning or make something easier to read.

3. Avoid starting all sentences with the same phrase (such as You can or To do).

4. Avoid lengthy words if shorter alternatives are available:

  • perform > do

  • utilize > use

5. Always go after shorter sentences. They are much easier to grasp.

6. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point.

Avoid pushing disconnected bits of information into a single paragraph.

Don’t hesitate to put each sentence in a separate paragraph, especially when communicating difficult concepts demanding for longer sentences.

General conventions

Here are some basic considerations.


We stick to US English spelling.


  • colour > color

  • initialise > initialize

  • cancelled > canceled


We use kebab case for naming documents, images and other files.

To avoid:

  • userGuide.rst

  • user_guide.rst

To follow:

  • user-guide.rst

All other naming considerations are at your discretion. Keep in mind that the filenames appear in page URLs, so you need to avoid random naming.

Tone, tense and voice

Here are some tips on how to best deliver your message to readers.


Use a proper word order

1. When telling the reader to do something, try to mention the goal of each action before you provide the instruction.

To avoid:

  • Click Delete if you want to delete the document.

  • Select Header Row on the Design tab.

  • See [a link] for more information.

To follow: - To delete the document, click Delete. - On the Design tab, select Header Row. - For more information, see [a link].

To learn more, see an entry on clause order in Google style guide.

2. When giving instructions, avoid using must and have to. Whenever you need to urge a user to do something, use should or need to.

To avoid:

  • You must enter your password.

To follow:

  • Enter your password.

It is OK to use must when referring to technical issues or abstract entities:

The password must contain at least eight characters.

3. Use may with caution. In general, this word is reserved for official policy or legal considerations. To convey possibility, use can or might instead. To convey permission, use can instead.

4. In most cases, capability wins over opportunity and possibility big time. More often yet, you can go with allows or enables instead.

To avoid:

  • Risk monitor provides you with an opportunity to monitor risks for customers’ assets.

  • With this release, we have provided a possibility to sort tables by any field.

To follow:

  • The risk monitor allows you to monitor risks posed to customer assets.

  • With this release, we have provided the capability to sort tables by any field.

5. Abbreviate simple sequences by using right angle brackets. Include a space before and after each bracket, and don’t make the brackets bold.


  • Select Accounts > Other accounts > Add an account.

To learn more, see an entry on procedures in Google style guide.

Avoid parenthetical words

Do not begin sentences with Now, Also or Then.

To avoid:

  • Also, you can customize user options.

  • Now, click OK.

  • Then, the Add new file menu is displayed.

Most often, you can find better alternatives to these words or avoid them altogether.

To follow:

  • In addition, you can customize user options.

  • Next, click OK.

  • After clicking the Add image button, the Add new image window is displayed.

Use helper words

Helper words such as then and that are frequently left out of conversational English. Use these words to avoid ambiguity.


  • If the attribute key is not found, then the default value is returned.

  • Navigate to Commissions > Users, and then click New.

Avoid unwarranted assumptions about the readers

1. Avoid using simple/simply and easy/easily (as in simply enable this option or as simple as that). Things may not be that simple from a user’s perspective, and there is no reason for making sentences longer.

Avoid just and of course as well (as in just click this button).

2. Use appears to instead of seems to. The latter implies there is a cognitive bias on the reader’s part, while the former suggests something indeed could be wrong with the issue the reader is facing.

To avoid:

  • If everything seems to be correct, contact the administrator to check the status of your profile.

To follow:

  • If everything appears to be correct, contact the administrator to check the status of your profile.


Try to avoid future tense in general. Most often, it doesn’t convey any additional information and there is no need to complicate sentences in this way.

To avoid:

  • After clicking this button, a new window will be displayed.

To follow:

  • After clicking this button, a new window is displayed.

Don’t overuse Present Perfect, as it rarely adds clarity to sentences that are already enough complicated as they are. Try using Present Simple as a more straightforward option:

To avoid:

  • The open positions on PAMM investment accounts have been closed, and a position in the same volume has been closed on the PAMM master account.

To follow:

  • The open positions on PAMM investment accounts are closed, while a position in the same volume is closed on the PAMM master account.


Avoid passive voice whenever you can.

To avoid:

  • Wallet settings are accessible from the wallet list by clicking the wallet ID or the Settings button.

To follow:

  • To access wallet settings from the wallet list, click the wallet ID or the Settings button.

In most cases, the active voice is preferred, unless it would sound unnatural or look out of place.

Remember: there are no rules against using the passive voice as such, this is only a question of clarity and common sense.

Taking time to review your text

Here is a great article on this subject: Final publishing review.


Use articles generously.

When in doubt, stick to the one you find most appropriate instead of avoiding an article altogether.

To avoid:

  • Default value is 0.

  • Specify user name and click OK button.

To follow:

  • The default value is 0.

  • Specify the username and click the OK button.

Be aware of mass nouns (also called uncountable nouns), such as information or data. You can find a good case for this on the Grammar Girl website.

Admittedly, articles may be tricky. Feel free to ask your fellow Technical Writers: as always, we are here to help and discuss.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding articles in API names, UI captions or descriptions to GitLab commits. However, we should stick to the natural language in most other cases: for example, when describing the API and providing tooltips to UI elements.


General conventions

1. Spell email without hyphen:

e-mail > email

2. Spell cryptocurrency as a single word (but not crypto exchange).

3. Don’t use rights in the sense of permissions.

Plural forms of Latin nouns

Apart from Latin acronyms, try to limit the use of Latin nouns in general. Here are some of our conventions regarding their spelling:

  • analysis — use only in singular, avoid the plural form

  • bonus / bonuses

  • criterion / criteria — the plural form is more common, avoid the singular

  • data — we always spell it in plural, but refer to it as a singular noun (such as this data)

  • index / indexes

  • status / statuses


Here are some quick and dirty tips on the proper use of pronouns.

Gender-neutral pronouns

Don’t use gender-specific pronouns unless the person you’re referring to is actually that gender.

In particular, don’t use he, him, his, she or her as gender-neutral pronouns, and don’t use he/she or (s)he or other such punctuational approaches. Instead, use the singular they.

To avoid:

  • If a user is granted admin permissions, she can customize her account settings.

To follow:

  • If users are granted admin permissions, they can customize their account settings.

  • If a user is granted admin permissions, they can customize their account settings.

It helps to remember that singular they has been in use for a long time. For example, Jane Austen used it, and in 2015 the Washington Post adopted it as part of their official style.

For more suggestions, see The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, section 5.225, “Nine techniques for achieving gender neutrality”.


Pay attention to which verbs you choose and how you use them.

To avoid:

  • You can give special permissions to certain users.

To follow:

  • You can grant certain users special permissions.

Don’t use a verb unless you are confident as to its governing nouns and proper prepositions. For example:

  • Don’t add on when speaking of clicking or tapping UI elements.

    To avoid:

    • Click on a row to view detailed information.

    To follow:

    • Click a row to view detailed information.

  • Be aware of the correct use of prepositions with the verb assign.


    • A user can be assigned with various roles.

    • Various roles can be assigned a user.


    • A user can be assigned various roles.

    • Various roles can be assigned to a user.

  • Get comfortable with the verbs allow and enable.


    • This option allows you create new accounts.


    • This option allows you to create new accounts.

    • This option allows creating new accounts.

    • This option enables you to create new accounts.


    • Use this option to create new accounts.

    • Using this option, you can create new accounts.

  • Use a bare infinitive (without to) after the verb help.


    • This helps you type faster.

  • With certain nouns, specific verbs might be required or preferred.


    • Perform these commands in the terminal.


    • Execute these commands in the terminal.

    • Run these commands in the terminal.

  • Some verbs may just win over other verbs in a given context.


    • The correct answer is output.


    • The correct answer is returned.

    • The correct answer is displayed.

  • In general, verbs are preferred over nominalization:

    • completion > complete

    • provision > provide

    • usage > use

    For a brief analysis of such cases, see the rubric “Avoid nominalisations” in the plain English guide.

  • Be careful with how you use the verb recommend:


    • It is recommended to take the red pill.

    • The red pill is recommended.


    • The recommended approach is to take the red pill.

    • We recommend that you take the red pill.

    • We recommend taking the red pill.

    • We recommend against taking the blue pill.

  • The verb sign in is generally better than log in. However, if you’re documenting a tool that uses the term log in, then use the term that the tool uses.


1. Use in with menu and list:

in the menu, in the list

Use on with tab and screen:

on the tab, on the screen

To learn more, see an entry on prepositions in Google style guide.

2. With information, consider using about as a less ambiguous alternative to on, such as when using cross-references:

To avoid:

  • You can view information on user groups on this page.

To follow:

  • You can view information about user groups on this page.

Still, you may prefer to use on in some contexts, such as before how to, although there is no rule against using about instead:

  • For information on how to manage user groups, see [a link].

3. Be careful when using with. Sometimes, it is hard to tell to which part of a sentence this word applies. In most cases, you can do without it.

To avoid:

  • This code is sent to the admin email with each login attempt.

  • The detailed information is a separate page with user data.

To follow:

  • This code is sent to the admin email upon each login attempt.

  • The detailed information is presented on a separate page containing the user data.


Keep in mind the subtleties of whether (or not). Often or not is redundant after whether, such as in the following cases:

  • She wonders whether the teacher will attend.

  • The teacher will base his decision on whether the car has been repaired.

  • Whether the car will be ready depends on the mechanic.

Put more briefly, whether can generally stand alone when its clause is functioning as a noun, but not when the clause is serving as an adverb.

With that in mind, or not is necessary when the phrase whether or not means regardless of whether:

  • Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight.

To learn more, see an entry on this in Google style guide.


Feel free to add more tips on adjectives if you find it useful.

That / which

The standard rule of grammar goes as follows:

  • The usage of that versus which depends upon whether the following clause is restrictive or non-restrictive.

  • That is used to indicate a specific object, item, person, condition and so on, while which is used to add supporting or parenthetical information about objects, items, people and situations.

  • Because which indicates a non-restrictive (optional) clause, it is usually set off by commas before which and at the end of the clause.

However, not everyone are eager to follow this “rule” and there is a great deal of disagreement among writers and grammarians as to whether this rule holds in practice.

Since we are barely in a position to decide upon proper use of that versus which, you are free to use them as you see fit.


Try to avoid repeating of in possessive constructions. Whenever you can drop of altogether without introducing ambiguity, go for it.

To avoid:

  • The content of the pages of the Admin Panel is organized in tables.

  • The owner invites other members of the team.

  • Owner of the wallet cannot be changed.

To follow:

  • The content of the Admin Panel pages is displayed in tables.

  • The owner invites other team members.

  • The wallet owner cannot be changed.

You can also try to break down constructions overloaded with of into separate sentences.

Try to avoid plural forms in possessive case.

To avoid:

  • Users’ accounts

  • Users accounts

To follow:

  • User accounts


General points:

  • Keep in mind the difference between comma use in English and Russian.

  • Use punctuation to help readers separate parts of a sentence.

1. When you need to use dash, always use the em-dash (—).

2. Don’t use the Oxford (serial) comma before and/or.


  • You can view the order list, edit order settings or place new orders.

However, cases of helper words might constitute an exception to this convention.

3. Place periods and commas after closing quotation marks, not before them.


  • They say “this is the way to go”.

4. There are no rules as to “curly” or “straight” quotes and apostrophes (such as in don’t and don’t). The only rule is to be consistent with those you use across the projects at hand.

5. If you need an ellipsis, here is one: …

6. Consider choosing a period over excessive colons, semicolons, dashes and parentheses.

They are good for introducing examples:

  • You can grant access to your wallets to other persons: for example, to your team members or company employees.

  • You can grant access to your wallets to other persons (for example, to your team members or company employees).

  • You can grant access to your wallets to other persons; for example, to your team members or company employees.

  • You can grant access to your wallets to other persons. For example, to your team members or company employees.

They are also good for lists.

7. Place commas after adverbial modifiers (such as of time and place).


  • On the main menu, navigate to Settings.

  • While the report is being generated, a progress bar is displayed.

  • For hashing, the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm is used.

Headings / Titles

1. We use title case only for H1 headings (document titles):

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog

For all other headings, use sentence case:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

2. Don’t put a period at the end of a title.

3. Use articles for all headers and titles.

4. For a task-based heading, start with a bare infinitive, also known as a plain form or base form verb. In English, the imperative mood also uses the base form verb, so it looks the same as the bare infinitive.

To avoid:

  • Creating an account

To follow:

  • Create an account

5. Use parallel syntax for titles at each nesting level. Before submitting your document for review, take time to read all titles aloud to ensure that they are consistent.

To avoid:

  • Create account

  • User options

  • Using extensions

To follow:

  • Create an account

  • Customize user options

  • Use extensions

Lists and tables

1. Always precede a list or a table with an introductory sentence. The sentence can end with a colon or a period:

  • usually a colon if it immediately precedes the list or table

  • usually a period if there is more material (such as a note paragraph) between the introduction and the table

Always introduce a table with a complete sentence.

To avoid:

  • The fields are:

To follow:

  • The fields are defined as follows:

  • The following table illustrates the available options.

2. Put a period at the end of list and table items if they amount to complete sentences or invite multiple sentences.

Don’t put a period or semicolon at the end of list and table items if they are plain short or comprised from incomplete sentences.

For example:

Select one of the following values:

  • 0.5

  • 1.5

  • 100

Using this option you can:

  • manage user accounts

  • place new orders

  • perform other tasks

As always, think to avoid verbiage. Thinking to avoid periods helps produce shorter lists. Parentheses may come handy, such as in this case:

Other fees may include:

  • tier fees based on pre-defined volumes traded by users (across selected markets within a 30-day period)

  • market fees defined individually for each market (by default, these fees are charged for all trades on the market unless other fees apply)

3. Use parallel syntax for list and table items.

To avoid:

To get access to GitLab, you need:

To follow:

To get access to GitLab, you need:

To get access to GitLab, you need to:

4. Any list item can contain more than one paragraph. Try to keep them at two for each item.

To learn more, see an entry on lists in Google style guide.


When adding cross-references, avoid repeating the information conveyed by a link title:

To avoid:

  • To learn about managing users, refer to [Manage users].

  • For information on how to create user lists, see [Create user lists].

To follow:

  • To learn more, refer to [Managing users].

  • For more information, see [Create user lists].


Avoid ambiguous or awkward contractions, such as there’d, it’ll, and they’d.

However, it’s fine to use -n’t contractions, such as isn’t, don’t and can’t. One reason for this is that it’s sometimes easy for a reader to miss the word not, whereas it’s harder to misread don’t as do.

Whether you use contractions or not, be consistent with it across the entire document you are working at. For example, don’t use can’t and cannot in the same text.

Never form a contraction from a noun and a verb, such as Our company’s developing a lot of new cloud services.

To learn more, see:

Acronyms and abbreviations

Avoid Latin abbreviations i.e., e.g., etc.

Use their English equivalents instead:

  • i.e.that is, namely, in particular

  • e.g.for example, such as

  • etc.and so on

To learn more, see an entry on abbreviations in Google style guide.


Use period, not comma, as a decimal separator:

Set this value to 0.3.

Use comma as a numeric separator:

Set this value to 25,000,000.

No separator is used in the decimal part, regardless of how long it is:

Set this value to 0.0000000002 BTC.

In body text, spell out whole numbers from zero through nine, and use numerals for 10 or greater. It’s OK to use numerals for zero through nine when you have limited space, such as in tables and UI.

Other tips and conventions

1. Use also with caution: it is a tricky word prone to introducing ambiguity.

To avoid:

  • The owner also receives API keys to email after registration.

To follow:

  • In addition, the owner receives API keys by email upon registration.

2. The word several implies few, not too many. Consider multiple or various as alternatives suggesting plentitude and availability.

To avoid:

  • Each group can contain several items.

  • On this page, you can configure several options.

To follow:

  • Each group can contain multiple items.

  • On this page, you can configure various options.

3. In most cases, you don’t really want to use complex as an adjective.

To avoid:

  • This is a complex tool that allows you to solve a variety of tasks.

  • Performing risk analysis properly is a complex task.

To follow:

  • This is a sophisticated tool that allows you to solve a variety of tasks.

  • Performing risk analysis properly is not a trivial task.

4. Don’t use vice-versa. Instead, use a phrase like the other way around, conversely or otherwise.

In some contexts, vice versa is unclear or imprecise because in a complex sentence it’s hard to know which two things are swapped with each other. In such cases, make it explicitly clear what two things are swapped.

5. Avoid thus: use therefore or some other option instead.

6. Spell filename extensions in uppercase and without a period (PDF, XLSX).

Text formatting

Here are some tips on using various text formatting options.


We use bold when referring to interface elements, as well as sections and subsections in the UI:

  • Click OK to proceed.

  • Navigate to Clients > General in the main menu.

You can also use bold to add emphasis to various parts of text. For example, you might want to highlight product names and specific features:

  • PrimeXM provides a web user interface…

  • Trading API is intended for…

Use bold cautiously as to not overload the text and make it harder to comprehend.


We use monospace for:

  • names and values of fields and parameters:

    This field is required only if isStop is true.

  • structure names:

    The request includes the data JSON-structure.

  • method names, endpoints and HTTP verbs:

    The base endpoint for requests is [base].

    The POST and DELETE requests must include this data.


Use italics when you need to draw attention to a particular word or phrase in the prose of your documentation, such as when introducing a key concept or new word, or when discussing a particular word.

Since text in italics is generally harder to read, avoid adding it to long parts of the text. To put an emphasis on an entire sentence, consider using admonitions instead.

Writing for UI

Error messages

Place to start: MS guidelines on error messages

Useful guide: Error Messages in Windows 7.

Useful guide: Warning Messages in Windows 7

Useful resources

Consult the following resources for more tips:

And what comes to grammar… Be skeptical of any grammarian you meet at noon. In here this order:

#onboarding #rules